Korean CSOs Report of SDGs Progress in Korea 2021
Copyright ⓒ 2021 Korea SDGs Network. All Right Reserved.
Title | Korean CSOs Report of SDGs Progress in Korea 2021: Economic and social recovery for inclusiveness and carbon Neutrality after Covid-19_English Summary
Published by Korea SDGs Network(Secretariat: The Korea Center for Sustainable Development(KCSD))
Issued on July 2021
Publishing House | The Korea Center for Sustainable Development(KCSD) (5F, #39, Worldcup-ro 26, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 03969, Republic of Korea / Tel. +82-2-706-6179 Fax. +82-2-3144-4709 Email. kicsd.re.kr@gmail.com Website. www.kicsd.re.kr)
Publishing registration No. | 2018-000123
ISBN 979-11-975350-1-7 (95300) (PDF)
Edited by Denise K.H. Yoon, The Korea Center for Sustainable Development(KCSD)
Written by (Alphabet order) Green Future, Green Environment Youth Korea(GEYK), Hansalim Cooperative Federation, Korea Environment-friendly Agriculture Association, Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation(KCOC), Korea Seeds Social Coop, The Center for Freedom of Information and Transparent Society, The Korea Center for Sustainable Development(KCSD), SAPE Net 지원센터, 전국씨앗도서관사회적협동조합(Total 10 organizations)
Thanks to volunteers who translate: Denise K.H. YOON, Guri CHO, Jean HUR, Minju KIM, and Sohyun CHO
※ Full report is available only in Korean.
I. Introduction / 03
II. SDGs Progress in Korea
1. Zero hunger & Food security / 12
2. Sustainable management of drinking water quality / 29
3. Low carbon energy based circular economy / 32
4. Integrated and participatory governance & Supportive system for civil society engagement / 37
5. International Cooperation for Sustainable Development / 49
þ Introduction of Korea SDGs Network / 52
þ Member List of Korea SDGs Network / 53