한국어 메뉴/동북아 SDGs 이해관계자포럼
동북아SDGs포럼: 2022 시민사회 회의_9/2(금)_프로그램 & 발제자료
Korea SDGs Network
2022. 9. 2. 22:20
- 15:00~16:00 Technical Rehearsal for presenters, interpreters, and moderators (Checking functions of audio, video, interpretation and others)
- 16:00~16:20 Opening Session
- 16:20~17:10 Theme1 | SDG17 Civic Engagement for SDGs implementation, Financing for SDGs, Partnerships at national and sub-regional level(50min.)
- 17:10~18:00 Theme2 | SDG 2 Food Security due to the Political Conflict(50min.)
- 18:00~19:00 Dinner
- 19:00~19:50 Theme3 | SDG 7 & 9 & 11 Energy, Industry, Urban development for Carbon Neutrality 2050(50min.)
- 19:50~20:40 Theme4 | SDG 6 Water & Sanitation as a safeguard of climate adaptation(50min.)
- 20:40~21:00 Closing Session
2022 NEA CSO Session Program_En_0902.docx