The introduction of Korean SDGs Network
The introduction of Korean SDGs Network
To respond to ‘2016 Voluntary National Review (VNR),’ 9 civil society organizations formed SDGs civil network on June 14, 2016, and the number of participating organizations was expanded. The founding assembly was held on April 6, 2017 with 21 civil society organizations and nationwide networks in various areas including economy‧society‧environment‧governance‧international development cooperation.
As of December 2021, a total of 470 CSOs have joined. They are from 3 stakeholder groups(Women, PwD, and Youth) and 8 thematic clusters(Social Economy, Education, Housing rights, Healthcare, Peace, Environment, Governance, and Internation Development Cooperation).
A. Name: Korea SDGs Network
B. Purposes of activities
1) Strengthening the responsibility of the government to achieve domestic and international SDGs and implementing them
2) Capacity building of civil society in the context of SDGs policies
3) Information exchange and cooperation related to SDGs among participants
C. Basic principles
1) Sustaining critical thinking to embody the original purpose of SDGs
2) The activity-driven network operation
D. Major activities
1) Discussions at the National Assembly and the government
2) Drawing up and submission of Korea Civil Society Report on SDGs to UN
3) Position documents/statements on SDGs announced by Korea civil society
4) SDGs seminars/workshops
5) Cooperation with UN and other SDG-related international organizations
E. Major activities
1) Publish ‘the Korea Civil Society Report for HLPF’ every year since 2017 and submitted to UN(2 reports of 2017 and 2019 were uploaded on the UN SDGs Knowledgeplatform(HLPF Inputs)
2) Organize Capacity-building Seminars and Forums every year: Since 2019, the Open SDGs Forum has been organized every year to share the international and national progress of SDGs implementation and to discuss major issues in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MoFA), ROK.
3) Policy Advocacy
∙ The position statement of civil society for 2016 Voluntary National Review (July 1, 2016)
∙ A speech made by the delegation of Korean Civil Society at 2016 UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) (July, 2016)
∙ The side event held by the delegation of Korean Civil Society at 2017 UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) (July, 2017)
∙ The meetings between SDGs civil network and the government/national assembly (from September of 2016 until now)
∙ Participated in establishing the 2018 national SDGs and MGoS participatory system (May~June 2018)
∙ Participated in the sub-regional/regional/global follow-up process of SDGs implementation since 2017 and served as a focal point of the North-East Asia sub-regional group of the Asia Pacific Regional CSOs Engagement Mechanism(APRCEM) from 2019-2021
∙ Participated in establishing the Basic Law of Sustainable Development in 2021
∙ Proposing and participating in establishing the Multi-stakeholder Engagement Mechanism as an official and regular decision-making process for national SDGs implementation and evaluation
F. Operation
○ General Assembly: annually held in the first quarter of the year
○ The operating committee: appointed at the general assembly, two-year term, less than 10 members and co-chairs(co-chairs are elected among members)
○ Audit : appointed at the general assembly, two-year term, an auditor
○ The secretariat : appointed at the general assembly, an organization among SDGs network members
※ 2021-2022 Steering Committee Members and Secretariat
※ 2019-2020 Steering Committee Members and Secretariat