2018 동북아 SDGs 이해관계자 포럼-동북아 시민사회 성명서
2018 동북아 SDGs 이해관계자 포럼(North-East Asian Multistakeholder Forum on Sustainable Development Goals)
9/5(수)~9/6(목), 1박 2일, 몽골 울란바타르
5 SEP 2018 TO 6 SEP 2018
ESCAP, together with the United Nations Country Team in Mongolia and the National Development Agency of Mongolia, will organize the North-East Asian Multistakeholder Forum on Sustainable Development Goals from 5 to 6 September 2018.
The Forum will provide a unique opportunity to bring together stakeholders from the Governments of East and North-East Asia (China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, and Russian Federation), academia, international community and civil society, and provide them with opportunity to: (1) share experiences and key challenges and opportunities for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for selected SDGs; and (2) to provide subregional inputs and perspectives for regional and global forums in 2019, notably, Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) and High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).
There will be two associated events organized in Ulaanbaatar on 7th September; North-East Asia Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals and Workshop on Mongolian Voluntary National Review 2019.
For information of the 2017 forum, please visit https://www.unescap.org/events/north-east-asian-multistakeholder-forum-sustainable-development-goals-2017.
Please sign up to be on the mailing list for North-East Asia for future North-East Asia SDG Forum and APFSD.